16th October 2024

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Working to support our community

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold


Volunteers for Parish Council Projects work alongside Parish Councillors and Parish Council staff. Volunteers have a named Parish Councilor as their point of contact and are supported by that person in their volunteering role.

Specific roles are posted on this page when they become available but we also invite residents to fill out our volunteering form even if there is not something immediately available as we are happy to try to work with you to identify a suitable role if you have a particular interest or have noticed something that we are doing which you think you could help with.

Volunteers for Parish Council Projects

Volunteer Roles

Parish Council Project

Role needed

Weekly/Monthly Hours

Length of Commitment

CK Futures - Our Climate and Environment Initiative

Event & Activity Support: Helping design and deliver an activity at planned events.

1 hour a week and participation at the events and feeding back on the activity responses and impact.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

CK Futures - Our Climate and Environment Initiative

Event & Activity Support: Running a small event (e.g. making bug boxes)

1 hour a week, promoting and leading the planned event and feeding back on the activity responses and impact.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Ravensgate Common Management Group - Supporting the Parish Council's "Custodianship" of Ravensgate Common

Physical Management of the Common (e.g. raking up and burning debris after the Robomower or tree cutting)

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Ravensgate Common Management Group - Supporting the Parish Council's "Custodianship" of Ravensgate Common

Biological recording on the Common.

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Ravensgate Common Management Group - Supporting the Parish Council's "Custodianship" of Ravensgate Common

Historical research about the Common.

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Ravensgate Common Management Group - Supporting the Parish Council's "Custodianship" of Ravensgate Common

Records management of information about the Common.

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Rights of Way - Supporting the Parish Council's work on maintaining paths

Walking paths within Charlton Kings and reporting issues such as path damage, better signage, overgrown, broken stiles etc

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Rights of Way - Supporting the Parish Council and working in partnership with the Cotswold Parish Wardens on maintaining paths

Participating in local working parties to facilitate in resolving issues on paths e.g. path repair, path clearing etc

Happy to discuss depending on volunteers availability.

We envisage this being a 6 month commitment and welcome ongoing support.

Volunteers for Partner Projects

Volunteers for Partner Projects work with our partners and our role is simply to connect people with volunteer opportunities. Often there is a link back into the work of the Parish Council or there are shared aims and objectives, but once the connection has been made, we are not involved in coordinating any of the volunteering which is done. Specific roles are posted on this page when they become available and we rely on our Partner organisations to let us know when the role(s) are filled.

  • St Mary's Churchyard Clear-ups - The churchyard is jointly managed by the Church and the Parish Council. Sessions to tidy up the churchyard, involving light gardening activities take place monthly on Saturdays. The volunteers meet at 9:30am for around 2 hours. It would be great if you could bring along some basic gardening tools and a good pair of gloves. Refreshments provided!

2024 program:

    • Saturday 16 March
    • Saturday 20 April
    • Saturday 18 May
    • Saturday 15 June
    • Saturday 20 July
    • Saturday 17 August
    • Saturday 21 September
    • Saturday 19 October

Contact Peter for more information: churchyard@stmarysck.org.uk

  • Charlton Kings Senior Citizens' Welfare Committee welcomes anyone thinking of volunteering. Our current and most urgent need is for minibus Passenger Assistants and self-starter conversationalists to encourage use of a chatter-natter table.
    - Minibus Passenger Assistants: Weekly, bi-weekly or monthly for group shopping trips, to activities in the village or outings further afield.
    - Self-starter conversationalists: Anytime between 9.30-3.00 on Tuesdays at Planted, Sixways.
    - Ad-hoc - for anyone who can't commit to a regular slot we'd love to have a list of people we can call on to cover absences, holidays etc.

    Experience not necessary, training will be given and you will be joining a very supportive team.

    Duke of Edinburgh students: we can help with volunteering modules.

    For more information:
    > chairman@ckscwc.org 07596512089
    > admin@ckscwc.org.uk 07719953216

Volunteers for Community Projects

Volunteers for Community Projects are able to get in touch with Charlton Kings or Cheltenham based opportunities which we have been made aware of and have agreed to promote on this page.

Prospective volunteers use use the contact details and links provided to get in touch with the organisations listed and decide whether the volunteering opportunity is appropriate for them.

Specific roles are posted on this page when we become aware of them and though we try to keep them up to date we may sometimes be unaware that a role has been filled. Do drop us an email on community@charltonkingsparishcouncil.gov.uk if you notice that any roles are no longer available - thank you!

Last updated: Tue, 28 May 2024 11:27