16th October 2024

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Working to support our community

Local Council Award Scheme Quality Gold

Investing in our young people

Over the last three years, the Parish Council has demonstrated a strong track record of support for young people in Charlton Kings. Post Pandemic, we have embarked upon an ambitious strategy for the delivery of dynamic and research driven youth activity support programmes for young people in the locality. A core principle of this strategy has been to develop partnerships with local organisations, youth service providers, professional experts, faith groups, local authorities and public representatives.

To date we have invested in the following youth initiatives:

  1. 2021: Research Report 'From Pandemic to Endemic – a post-lockdown investigation into the health & well-being of young people in Charlton Kings', commissioned by CKPC and delivered under contract by Educational Psychologist Emily Vincent, in collaboration with Balcarras Academy School.
  2. 2022: Setting up of the CK Youth Taskforce, a multi-agency group led by the Neighbourhood Policing Team, meeting quarterly and facilitated by CKPC. Purpose – to share information, review evidence of anti-social behaviour, promote and deliver local youth initiatives.
  3. 2022: Participation in the 2-year Cheltenham Borough Council detached youth work initiative with Cheltenham based youth organisation Inspire to Aspire.
  4. 2022/2023: Funding & delivery of a 2-week Summer Programme of free sports, arts & crafts, music, nature, & cookery activities for young people between the ages of 5 – 15 years.
  5. 2023: Collaborative cross-generational project with Balcarras School in which students organised "The Big Tea Party" for a large number of older residents
  6. 2024: Funding & delivery of high-grade basketball mobile equipment to allow indoor play in the Kings Hall & the development of indoor coaching programmes run by the JAM Basketball Collective

Way forward

The Parish Council has recently contracted the Stroud-based youth charity The Door to undertake research and produce recommendations for the delivery of an ongoing evidenced-based youthwork programme. This research will be completed by May 2024 and will result in a roadmap for the provision of sustainable youth work services and youth programme development in Charlton Kings. In addition to a significant allocation from our precept for 2024-25 we are seeking external grant funding to enable us to develop this work. Find out more about this work.

Last updated: Tue, 26 Mar 2024 12:55