16th October 2024

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Grange Field Update - 23/05/23 - Grant funding application successful!

After our community consultation ended last year we applied for funding from Gloucestershire County Council's Build Back Better Fund to help us complete the nature garden project in Grange Field.

We were told last week that this application was successful, which is great news.

We will now start planning the implementation phase.

Grange Field Update - 2/11/22 - Next steps...

Community feedback analysed and suggestions for improvement noted

The responses from the local community were overall very positive and we will be developing further details for the ideas outlined on the plan but also taking into consideration some of the suggestions for improvement.
The Parish Council has been very clear that before any work can start they need to obtain some grant funding and this process will now commence.
We very much hope that Charlton Kings residents with an interest in improving the environment and encouraging wildlife will be willing to work with us to create a small area on Grange Field that everyone can enjoy. We will give more details of how you can become involved as the process progresses.

Grange Field Update - 12/10/22 - Thank you for your feedback

Consultation with the community - closed Tuesday, 11th October 2022

We are grateful to the community for providing feedback to help us ensure that the environmental work is planned sensitively and provides maximum benefit to all ages of the community as well as having environmental benefits.

The draft designs were displayed at our Autumn Fayre on Saturday, 24th September 2022 and had a positive response from residents. The "drop-in" session at Moosh in Church Piece, Charlton Kings on Wednesday, 28th September was also successful and over the past two weeks we have received a number of suggestions and comments via email and via our feedback forms.

Although the consultation period has now ended the design is still available to view online. We will now read through all of the community feedback carefully before deciding on any next steps.

Grange Field Update - 06/10/2022 - New Noticeboards

The Grange Field Noticeboards are now displayed at the Church Piece entrance and the Horsefair Street entrance. They look very smart and provide a warm welcome to this green space as well as providing clarity on how the space can and should be used for the enjoyment of all.

Importantly, the signs make it clear that Grange Field is the responsibility of the Parish Council, unlike other green spaces which are the responsibility of Cheltenham Borough Council. If you spot any problems on Grange Field, please do let us know via email or by coming into the Parish Council Office, 10am - 2pm, Monday to Friday.

Grange Field Update - 27/09/2022 - Environmental Planting

Consultation with the community - until Monday, 10th October 2022

We have asked a local landscape architect to produce some plans showing an environmental planting scheme at the southern end of Grange Field. The draft designs were displayed at our Autumn Fayre on Saturday, 24th September 2022 and had a positive response from residents.

Hard copies of the designs will be available in the Parish Office until Monday, 10th October 2022 and can be viewed during our usual opening hours 10.00 am to 2.00 pm each weekday. Charlton Kings residents are very welcome to view the designs and provide their feedback using the hard copy "feedback forms" that will be available.

We have also attached a scan of the designs and a copy of the "feedback" form on this page. Please contact the Parish Office, by telephone on 01242 250087 or by email on community@charltonkingsparishcouncil.gov.uk if you would like to provide feedback or comments.

Get involved!

We are very keen to hear from local people who would like to get involved with the environmental project. So if you are a whizz with a wheelbarrow, handy with a hammer, or skilled with a spade we want to know! Please contact our team by email on ckfutures@charltonkingsparishcouncil.gov.uk if you would like to get involved.

Grange Field - an asset for the community in Charlton Kings


Grange Field sits in the centre of Charlton Kings, and is used for dog walking and games, as well as for hosting some of our favourite events, including the the Summer and Autumn Fayres. Charlton Kings Parish Council acquired the lease of Grange Field from Cheltenham Borough Council in 2019. We are very keen to encourage greater use of this fantastic community resource by all local residents and are in the middle of a programme of enhancements with a focus on wellbeing, health, fitness and nature. We have made a number of changes so far, including the building of an accessible (wheelchair and buggy friendly) path, and the addition of children's play equipment and other recreational apparatus. In the next phase we plan to create a garden within Grange Field for the enjoyment of everyone who lives in the area, as well as for wildlife.


We want Grange Field to be a place that every member of the community can enjoy, that helps bring our community together, and that creates space not only for people, but also for nature and wildlife.


The plan is to use some space at the southern end of Grange Field to create a biodiverse garden, with a combination of formal raised beds planted with flowers and shrubs for those with limited mobility, and a more natural area with a range of planting to attract insects, birds and other wildlife. These areas will be connected by accessible baths for buggies, wheelchairs and those using mobility aids.

Events on Grange Field

The Parish Council's Summer Fayre takes place on Grange Field every year. In addition to events organised by the Parish Council, the area can be used by other groups for events subject to strict Terms and Conditions and approval by the Parish Council. Further information can be found in the following documents.

Last updated: Tue, 07 May 2024 12:05