16th October 2024

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Charlton Kings Local and Family History Society

The Society exists to encourage and support research into the history of the village and people of Charlton Kings. Talks by local historians are held monthly between March and November with a break in July for the Summer.

Membership of the Society is £10.00 per year (January to December) and the monthly talks are included in the price of the membership. Non members pay £2.00 to come to the monthly talks.

The Society is grateful for their members because membership fees enable them to pay for the hire of the hall and the expenses of the visiting historians.

Find Charlton Kings Local History Friends on Facebook

The Charlton Kings Local History Friends has an active and friendly Facebook page where people ask questions, post photographs and generally get involved in discussions around local history. You can click on the Facebook logo to link directly to this group or click the link here.

The Society welcomes new people and it is free to be part of the online community.

Visit the CKLHS NEW website: Home | Charlton Kings Local and Family History Society

Monthly Newsletters

Newsletters are emailed out monthly and members of the group are invited to share memories or articles of interest which can then be included by the editors.

List of Monthly Talks for 2024

Tuesday 26th March 2.00 - 4.00pm - Charlton Kings Local and Family history Society

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Tuesday 23rd April 2.00 - 4.00pm Rural Policing in Gloucestershire by Sue Webb

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Saturday 25th May 2.00 - 4.00pm Jon Maskelyne Master of Magic, Mystery by Andy Meller

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Tuesday 27th August 2.00 - 4.00pm The Quarries and Tramroads of Leckhampton Hill by Dr Ray Wilson

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Tuesday 24th September 2.00 - 4.00pm The Lost Railways of Gloucestershire by Davis Aldred

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Tuesday 22nd October 2.00- 4.00pm History of Highwaymen and Highway Robbery in Gloucestershire by John Putley

Venue- Stanton hall in Church Piece.

Tuesday 26th November 2.00 -4.00pm Art of Dowsing Ken Fheather

Venue - Stanton Hall in Church Piece.

Committee Members

The Charlton Kings Local and Family History Society is run by volunteers who coordinate the monthly talks, newsletter, membership and social media presence of the the Society.

The Committee meets 4 times a year but meetings are not open to the general public.

Chair: Geoff Bridgman

Treasurer: Diana Perry

Membership Secretary: Mags Hulbert

Hon Secretary: Rebecca Snook

Upcoming Vacancies:

If you are interested in joining the committee please come along to one of our monthly talks to meet the team and have a chat about what is involved.


We are grateful to local photographer David Hanks who posts beautiful photographs of Charlton Kings on our Facebook page and also allows us to use the photographs on our web page.

Charlton Kings Local and Family History Society Website

We are grateful to our webmaster for their work on our website over many years.

If you would like to purchase historic publications you can access our website here.

Last updated: Mon, 12 Aug 2024 10:53